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The Contour Difference

Many providers in the wireless networking world offer a few standard products with a one-size-fits-all approach. At our heart, we are networking and security company. We regularly provide consultation and tailored networking solutions for our customers. Whether accommodating the high-volume needs of health kiosks that are updated regularly over-the-air or a fully private end-to-end payment processing flow for banks, network and security are in our DNA.

Since our inception our mission statement has always been a simple one - to provide secure and reliable transportation of data. Our network was purpose-built to satisfy this idea. The traffic is routed from our carrier partners directly to the Contour Cloud. Our cloud is comprised of multiple geographically-diverse data centers capable of load-balancing traffic or individually handling all concurrent sessions in the case of a catastrophic failure or natural disaster. Since the traffic is routed directly to our cloud it does not traverse the public internet, avoiding all the pitfalls public traffic suffers. From our data centers we can route directly to a corporate network, payment processor, school CIPA protected network, or any other partner where data security is a critical requirement.


Why Is A Private Network Important?

Every device on the public internet is under almost constant scan looking for known vulnerabilities, open network ports, and, in some cases, susceptibility to "zero day" attacks...


Protecting Information

With our smart network devices we can separate different streams of traffic so, for example, your payment processing communications are isolated from information being pushed to digital...


24x7 Monitoring

Our network, including all carrier interconnections and data centers are monitored 24 hours a day. In addition to our automated monitoring system we use a follow-the-sun approach to...



The new Contour Customer Portal allows Contour users to manage most day-to-day tasks related to their service. But when their needs go beyond the day-today, our technical support staff are...

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Payment Card Industry (PCI) Certification

For many years, retail organizations, ATM operators, and Financial Institutions have leased point-to-point landlines in order to get ...

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